Satta Matka InfoSep 21, 2018
Satta Matka is a form of gambling or lottery system. It was started by Mr. Ratan Khatri founder of Kalyan Matka and main Mumbai Matka game. Firstly he assumed if he removes all four king queen and jack from the bunch of playing cards then the only ace to 10 would be retained, now if he plays teen Patti with one opponent so firstly have to shuffle cards and distribute one by one card in order to get 3 cards. Now if the opponent gets 10, A, 3 then in increasing order he has 130. Here Ace defines 1 and 10 defines 0. One has the least value and 10 has the highest value. Similarly, if he gets 2, 7, 4 then it will become 247. Now the opponent’s card will be called as OPEN so 130 card is the open card and his card is 247 is the CLOSE card. But there is a trick here open 130’s all numbers has to be added so that we can get a single number which would be our open figure so if we add 1+3+0 = 4 we get four so we call it 4 open with 130 cards commonly known as Pana or panel. Same with close 2+4+7 = 13. But wait now we get 2 digit number so what will be our single figure, here we’ll have to choose the last digit of this number or one’s place so we call 3 would be our figure. So 130 – 4 is our open and 247 – 3 is our close. With this, we get a JODI number which is 43 a combination of the open and close figure. Lately, there were introduced more game elements like motor Patti, Sangam etc which was a combination of open-close Pana open close figure etc.
After Ratan Khatri, the Matka bazar is passed into some other person’s hands like Kalyanji Bhagat, Suresh Bhagat, Pappu Sanwala etc. Matka was started in 1962 with only Kalyan and Mumbai but after some decade much other game was introduced such ad Milan day Milan night Rajdhani day Rajdhani night. Recently by the influence of the internet, there are lots of game has grown suddenly one example is Madhur Matka.
There are 220 Patti, 10 figure, 100 Jodi into the Satta Matka game. The rates of one figure are 1:9.5 for Jodi 1.90. For cards, there are many different rates because all 220 Patti s are divided into 3 categories single Patti double Patti and triple Patti rates for single Patti is 1:140 for double Patti 1:250 for triple Patti 1:750. In the different region there would be different rates according to bookies and their offers.
This is not an official website of Satta Matka game owners but we have collected data from different sources so that you can get real-time result Matka charts, Matka tips at one place. Matka gambling is ban in some region or in some countries. Online Matka is not offered on this website. you can get our official Matka app from the app store so that you never miss an update. There is a direct notification facility for fast Matka result in the application.
satta matka skimAug 20, 2018
डेली तीन अंक सट्टा मटका ट्रिक टिप्स सट्टा वाला 143
नमस्कार दोस्तों मैं सट्टावाला एक फिर हाज़िर हु एक जबरदस्त ट्रिक के साथ , ये मेरा दावा है अगर आप इस ट्रिक का इस्तेमाल करोगे तो 1001% आपको हफ्ते में कम से कम तीन दिन कल्याण में और तीन दिन मैन मुम्बई में डेट फिक्स गेम पास होगा ,,
सिंगल ओपन और क्लोज
लेकिन आपको ट्रिक को पकड़ना होगा जैसा की मैंने आपको पिछले विडियो में भी बताया था ,
ट्रिक सिखने से पहले अगर आपने मेरे यूट्यूब चैनल को अभी तक सब्सक्राइब नहीं किया है तो आप अभी कर लो जिससे आप मेरे सारे नए और पुराने ट्रिक्स के विडियो देख सको,,
चलो अब ट्रिक सिख लो ,
कल्याण सट्टा मटका चार्ट
22 08 96 31 75 10
53 22 96 56 24 32
10 94 91 94 32 35
35 58
मैन मुम्बई सट्टा मटका चार्ट
21 28 05 32 31
72 14 92 22 95
80 62 74 34 98
51 33
दोस्तों इस ट्रिक में होता यह है की कल्याण जो जोड़ी आती है उस जोड़ी का एक अंक मैन मुम्बई में फिक्स पास होता है और मैन मुम्बई में जो जोड़ी आती है उसका एक अंक अगले दिन कल्याण में फिक्स आता है ,
ये अंक 3 तरीके से आते है
पहला तरीका
1-कल्याण में जो जोड़ी बनती है उसका ओपन या क्लोज अंक डायरेक्ट मैन मुम्बई में ओपन या क्लोज में पास होता है , मैन मुम्बई में जो जोड़ी बनती है उसका ओपन या क्लोज अंक डायरेक्ट कल्याण में ओपन या क्लोज में पास होता है /
दूसरा तरीका
2- कल्याण में जो जोड़ी बनती है उसके ओपन और क्लोज
को जोड़ने पर जो अंक आता है वो मैन मुम्बई में ओपन या क्लोज में फिक्स पास होता है ,,,और मैन मुम्बई में जो जोड़ी बनती है उसके ओपन और क्लोज
को जोड़ने पर जो अंक आता है वो कल्याण में ओपन या क्लोज में फिक्स पास होता है /
तीसरा तरीका
3 - कल्याण की या मेन मुम्बई की जोड़ी के ओपन क्लोज को जोडने पर जो अंक आता है कभी कभी वही टोटल अंक , अगले दिन जोड़ी के रूप में आता है //
पहली बार
कल्याण सट्टा मटका चार्ट
22 08 96 31 75 10
मैन मुम्बई सट्टा मटका चार्ट
21 28 05 32 31
अब इस चार्ट में ट्रिक समझो
जब सोमवार को कल्याण में 22 जोड़ी आयी तो उसमे से एक अंक मैन मुम्बई ओपन में पास हुआ ..और उसी दिन जब मैन मुम्बई में जोड़ी बनी 21 तो उस जोड़ी के ओपन क्लोज अंको को जोड़ने पर अगले दिन कल्याण में क्लोज पास हुआ ,,
2+1=3 , 3 का कट अंक 8 होता है
और फिर जब कल्याण में मंगलवार को जब जोड़ी बनी
08 तो उसके ओपन क्लोज अंको को आपस में जोड़ने पर हमें 0+8=8 मिला जो की मंगलवार की मैन मुम्बई की जोड़ी 28 में पास हुआ ,,
मैन मुम्बई की मंगलवार की जोड़ी 28
के ओपन और क्लोज अंक को जोड़ने पर हमें
2+8=10 , 0 कट 5 का टोटल मिला जो की अगले दिन
कल्याण में जोड़ी 96 टोटल के रूप में पास हुआ
9+6= 15 , 5 या कट 0 का टोटल मिला जो की अगले दिन
मैन मुम्बई की जोड़ी 05 में टोटल के रूप में पास हुआ ,,,,
दोस्तों इस ट्रिक से आपका गेम डेली पास होगा ,
आप इस ट्रिक को लगा के देख लो
१००१% गेम पास होता है/
दोस्तों एक बात और
वो ये की कुछ लोंगो को ये डाउट था की ये कट अंक या कट फिगर क्या होता है ?
मैंने यहाँ सारे अंको के कट फिगर लिख दिए है आप पढ़ सकते हो ,,
1 का कट फिगर 6 होता है ,,
2 का कट फिगर 7 होता है ,,
3 का कट फिगर 8 होता है ,,
4 का कट फिगर 9 होता है ,,
5 का कट फिगर 0 होता है ,,
KYA PASS HUAJul 23, 2018
Date : 17 - 07 - 2018 Ko
Time Bazar Fix jodi =36= Pass
Milan Day Single Jodi =81= Pass
Kalyan Fix Game =778--26= Pass
Milan Night Single panna=440= Pass
Main Mumbai Single Jodi=12 panna = 245 Pass
MumbaiJul 23, 2018
posting time mumbai main;9:20
KalyanJul 23, 2018
posting time kalyan 3.45
Dpboss – Your Winning Chance Is Here Jul 18, 2018
Like other games of gambling where the features of games differ with the casinos, gambling game of Satta Matka also has numerous forms. A couple of instances are the very popular game of Kapil matka and Kalyan matka.
For this, gamers would need some tips & tricks from the experts. One of those experts, a much known name is Dpboss . Again in this modern epoch one few people have patience, time & will for going and learning the tactics from an expert physically. Rather, most of them will choose learning them via online with experienced experts of this game. Dpboss is a perfect option for the purpose.
For playing game of Satta Matka & winning back handsome rewards it’s essential for the players to know some basic rules about the game. It is important for the potential gambler to recognize where & when to hang to reduce the risks of big money losses in the satta game. Players eager of being virtual satta king have their chore cut-out at finding the most suitable source for learning tips & tricks of the game. An informative & educative portal could be an ideal place for these kinds of things.
To know about the differences perfectly, one has to know about charts of several types like Milan day chart, the main chart & Kalyan chart along with Rajdhani day & night chart. Knowledge regarding charts tune-up the player to earn huge cash by winning many Satta Matka games where the rewards will amass one upon another. Dpboss will surely help you to win extra cash for you.
The game of Satta Matka is not only finding the chits with some number printed on it & play with them but actually is much more than that. Gamblers who want to make winning strategy should know about different aspects of this game & the latest results & techniques used by expert players.
Satta Matka WebsitesJul 18, 2018
With the boost in the popularity, the amount of fraudsters and sites has improved which claim to offer you the info about the winning result, These websites also make the requirement for a certain amount of money for its advance result of Satta Matka however, it's important to stay alert and avoid such fraud sites, So far when it comes to coping with the online lottery game satta is regarded as the most genuine site which consists of experts and professionals who can offer info base on Astrology and so far the majority of the predictions are successful and accurate.
The site also offers live Matka updates and with quicker results as compared to some other websites online and with the entry of the date of birth, the web site calculates the participant's lucky number for your day. These calculations produced by astrology forecasts include years of scientific study and the study of planets which include the sun, moon, stars, etc.. The website provides daily calculations which in the end are contingent on the gamers to choose the most suitable number.
While there are also claims in the site that provides the numbers only depending on the lucky numbers by determining the date of arrival and the planetary position of the individual. There are no such rules as easy money, and all achievement comes only with hard work. It is thus advised not to seek out shortcut options because this might prove drastic results.
Satta Matka HistoryJul 18, 2018
Satta Matka has a very long history attached to the previous ancient days, and the Matka derived from the earthen pot which Ratan Khatri that the Matka King used to open the Matka Number. Satta Matka provides the possibility to win a minimum quantity of 9.5 to maximum quantity of 1000, while the investment amount is very less and amounts to a minimum of one rupee. One of the many Matka that is present on the market, the two main Matka gambling game is that the Kalyan Matka and the Mumbai sattamatka, These two Matka are famous the Oldest as well as the most genuine of all times, The timings of Kalyan Matka are 4:20 pm and 6:20 pm, which opens and shut respectively, As for Mumbai Main, the schedules are 9:36 pm and 12:10 am, of the following day. The players of this sport has to organize the cards in an ascending sequence to form a series of this number.
An Introduction To Clear-Cut Satta Matka SolutionsJul 18, 2018
he game has become very famous in most of the world, and several are devoted to sattamatka, and while many attain good success in the sport, there are also a few who returns empty-handed.
Satta Matka is a famed Indian kind of lottery invented in India by two characters, Kalyanji Bhagat whose game 'Kalyan Matka' runs from Monday to Saturday and Ratan Khatri who's 'Mumbai Matka' runs from Monday to Friday. T
MAIN MUMBAIJul 18, 2018
posting time mumbai main;9:20
posting time kalyan 3.45